Sahara Accumulation outbid telecom giants Bharti Airtel and Reliance to bag the Aggregation India advocacy already again. They accept won the advocacy rights at a amazing amount of Rs 3.34 crore per match. The accord will abide till 31st December 2013. Sahara India Financial Corporation has been awarded the Indian aggregation (Seniors) Title Advocacy Rights, for the aeon 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2013," BCCI Secretary N Srinivasan said in a statement.Sahara Group`s aboriginal arrangement with the BCCI asleep aftermost year. The aggregation spent Rs 400 crore over a four-year aeon for aggregation sponsorship. Beneath the absolute contract, Sahara was advantageous Rs 1.9 crore per Test, Rs 2.08 crore per ODI and and Rs 1.56 crore per Twenty20 International, the BCCI said. The accumulation was bound in a two-way chase for the renewed rights with Bharti Airtel. The two were the alone firms larboard in the fray, although four others including cyberbanking giants Videocon, had additionally purchased the bid form. Sahara and Airtel submitted the requisite aegis drop of Rs 50 crore forth with the anatomy at the end of borderline while the added firms absolved themselves from the chase due to the abrupt abject amount of Rs 2.5 crore per match. The Cricket Board had appear a breakable apprehension calling for bids for the Indian men`s team, women`s team, India A band and the beneath 19 band and the borderline to abide aegis drop concluded yesterday.
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